Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The best day yet!!

It really wasn't the best day yet, but I couldn't think of a title now that I have changed my settings to allow me to have a title!! I never knew you could. Anyway, today was a great day in clinic. We worked on instrument sharpening. I was quite hesitant beforehand because I didn't want to ruin any of my instruments. I was relieved though, that it wasn't as bad as I had expected (I feel like I am always saying that about everything we do in clinic). Insrument sharpening isn't very scary or hard, but I could see how it could become boring or tedious. My goal for today was to pass off my selective polishing PE, and I successfully did that and also passed off the fluoride application PE too!! Yeah! I was looking at the rest of my PE's, and I discovered that we only have 4 left. It is so strange to think that we are so close to being done with the semester! Scary!

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