Thursday, April 03, 2008

April 3, 2008

Today was my clinic simulation day. I was nervous and just wanted to get it done. It just made me worry having to see 4 patients in one day. The morning was crazy! My first patient didn't show, but I ended up cleaning a quad of Kim's class 3 patient that she didn't need. I also got a local anesthetic experience which was good. My second patient only had 6 teeth, but she just had a knee replacement a few months ago and forgot her pre-medication. I was able to do a visual exam and x-rays, but she has to come back to finish. This afternoon I saw a class 5 patient who was very talkative. She was pretty easy, and actually really fun to work on because she was very interested in everything I was doing and how she could improve her oral health. My second patient was a 13 year old boy. He had full braces, but his orthodontist removed the wire to get his teeth cleaned so access wasn't too terrible. I am very very glad to have completed this project.

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