Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Real Date: September 4

Today was the first day back seeing patients. I was quite nervous to jump right back into it, it seems like we forget a lot over the summer. I am just glad that I was working as a hygiene assistant over the summer, so I didn't forget everything. My first patient was a returning patient. I was hoping that he would be a class 2, because that is what he was last time, but he really is a 1b, and they classified him wrong last time. Oh well, he was a very nice man. I got completely finished with him. I was nervous to scale, but it went fine. It took a minute to remember positioning and which instruments to use where, but it actually went really well. It felt good to finish a patient in one appointment.

My second patient was a woman who had never had her teeth cleaned. She ended up being 3 quads of a 3. Yeah! That is great that I found a class 3 on the first day of clinic. I actually got finished with one quad, and it went pretty well. It was kindof scary to jump right in to cleaning a class 3 on the first day, but I felt pretty good about it. I was actually really pleased with how today turned out. I am just glad it is over!

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